Increased Gas Prices Create Demand For Innovative Fuel Saving Techniques
Released on = December 10, 2005, 9:33 pm
Press Release Author = SJT Enterprises
Industry = Automotive
Press Release Summary = A new website at has been developed to help consumers discover cost saving fuel strategies. The site seeks to provide new information about a scientifically developed fuel catalyst called Enviro-Max Plus which is reported to provide an up to 35% increase in gas mileage.
Press Release Body = A new website at helps consumers with fuel saving ideas.
With the high cost of gas prices, consumers have been driven into a creative frenzy of fuel saving strategies. A new website has been developed to discuss the merits of such strategies as well as the cost savings benefit of a new automobile fuel catalyst called Enviro-Max Plus.
S. J. Tobin, the owner of , reports that "Consumers are more proactive today when it comes to gas savings. Gone are the days of free and easy gas guzzling."
Tobin suggests some of the following ideas to save at the pump:
� Use a gasoline credit card to make purchases. A gas card (provided it is paid off monthly) can provide a 5 or 10 percent rebate on gas purchases.
� Buy your gas in the morning or evening Gasoline becomes denser in colder temperatures. Gas pumps are set to measure the volume of the fuel that you pump and not the density. Consequently, morning or evening fill-ups work to your advantage.
� Use the Internet Using the Internet to find the lowest gas prices is useful knowledge before a fuel up.
Another solution to the high cost of gasoline involves the use of fuel additives like the patented fuel catalyst developed by Extreme Research Corp. Their flagship product called Enviro-Max Plus is a money saving/fuel saving product that has been used successfully for 9 years and is endorsed by three-time Indianapolis 500 winner, Johnny Rutherford. The product has an enthusiastic following and is used by thousands of individuals as well as city governments, large trucking lines, railroads, farming, and boating companies.
Jim Martin, President and COO of Fort Worth and Western Railroad, submitted the following to ERC after the FWW Railroad tested Enviro-Max Plus:
\"....The results using Enviro-Max Plus have proven effective in locomotives and were well beyond our expectations...
Results: - 18.2 % increase in fuel economy - Smoke density and opacity was reduced 38.1% - Particulate matter reduced 33.3% - Post test oil analysis showed a remarkable reduction in wear metal content - Additional reductions in silver content which indicates a reduction in cylinder and ring wear.
Enviro-Max Plus has proven to be a remarkable product and will greatly reduce our fuel costs. The additional improvements are an added bonus."
Reports continue to suggest that Enviro-Max Plus can: 1. Provide up to 35% increase in gas mileage (miles per gallon). 2. Save on future engine repairs and/or tune-ups by reducing engine wear and tear by 50% or more. 3. Increase Horsepower & Performance. 4. Provide up to 20% boost in power for Diesel Engines. 5. Provide up to 80 % reduction in Emission of Pollutants through Exhaust. 6. Displace engine water, help prevent fuel line freeze up and fuel "gelling". 7. Extend the life of your car.
For more information and scientific research on better engine performance and fuel saving with Enviro-Max Plus please go to:
Web Site =
Contact Details = Sandra Tobin
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